Sound Template Usage

Find out more about what rights you have to use AudioStack's sound templates in your projects

We want to make it easy to understand what you can and can't do with AudioStack sound templates. If there's something specific you have in mind, the full details of our Sound Template usage conditions can be found here.

In simple terms, our Standard sound templates can be used by anyone for noncommercial use, or to demonstrate AudioStack functionality. Paying users with active Indie, Production or Enterprise plans can use Standard sound templates commercially in most situations without needing our permission, with the exclusion of using the Sound Templates on a platform, for use by a very large company, or for broadcast (TV or radio) purposes. If you'd like to use our sound templates for these purposes, get in touch via [email protected], and we can arrange a specific licence for this.

There are a number of demo sound templates available in some of our products and demonstrations - these are for demo use only, and cannot be used commercially.

If in doubt, please refer to the full Terms of Use or feel free to contact us at [email protected] for clarification.


There are some situations where you might need to provide evidence that you have the rights to use our Sound Templates

For example, if you want to upload a video to YouTube. In most cases, our Terms of Use should provide all the evidence you need, but if you require something specific, please let us know.

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